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Open Bids and Requests for Proposals


The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) is seeking bids from qualified build suppliers, to design, construct and deliver, and install a prefabricated metal covered structure, specifically designed to protect Fire engine apparatus from weather. The metal covered structure must accommodate up to (8) eight Wildland Type 3 Fire Truck apparatus, for MRCA Holiday Camp, Fire Division Headquarters, located in the City of Calabasas. The proposed metal structure is to be delivered to 1670 Las Virgenes Canyon Road, CA 91302, placed in its final location, and receive turnkey installation by contractor. Particular attention will be paid to contractors that provide bids for a rapidly constructed, cost-effective structure.

Sealed Bid must be received by 2:00 p.m. on April 22nd, 2024, in the main Captain’s office of the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, at the above address location. Please contact Chief Ken Nelson with questions at (818) 880-4752.

MRCA RFB Package – Prefabricated Metal Parking Structure 2024


The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), a local public agency, is seeking bids from licensed general contractors for work located at 6353 Lindley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91335. Work includes, but is not limited to, new park improvements to a 1.5-acre vacant lot including concrete and decomposed granite pedestrian pathways, fencing, gates, steel shade trellis, fitness equipment, cast in place concrete seat walls, a wetland area, bio filtration area, storm drain improvements, cistern and pumps, equipment enclosure, site electrical, irrigation and landscape. This is a public works project as defined in Labor Code 1720 and must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the California Labor Code. All services must meet and comply with local and state laws and regulations.

There is a mandatory job walk for bidders on Friday, March 29, 2024, at 10:00 am at the project site. Sealed bids will be accepted until 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in the main office of the MRCA at 570 W. Avenue 26, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA, 90065, and will be opened and publicly read at that time. To receive the bid documents, send an email request to Blaine Yoder at byoder@telacu.com.


Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA, siglas en inglés), una agencia pública local está buscando ofertas de contratistas con licencia para un trabajo ubicado en 6353 Lindley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91335. La obra incluye, entre otros, nuevas mejoras de parque a un lote baldío de 1.5 acres que incluye senderos peatonales de concreto y granito descompuesto, cercas, puertas, enrejado de acero, equipo de gimnasia, paredes de asientos de concreto, un área de humedales, área de biofiltración, mejoras en el desagüe pluvial, cisterna y bombas, recinto de equipos, instalaciones eléctricas, sistemas de riego y paisajismo del sitio. Este es un proyecto de obras públicas tal como se define en el Código de Trabajo 1720 y debe realizarse de acuerdo con los requisitos del Código laboral de California. Todos los servicios deben cumplir con las leyes y regulaciones locales y estatales.

Habrá una caminata obligatoria para los licitadores el viernes 29 de marzo a las 10:00 am en el sitio del proyecto. Las ofertas selladas serán aceptadas hasta la 1:00 pm el jueves, 18 de abril de 2024 en la oficina principal de Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority (MRCA, siglas en ingles) en 570 W. Avenue 26, Suite 100, Los Ángeles, CA, 90065, y serán abiertas y leídas públicamente en ese momento. Para recibir los documentos de licitación, envíe una solicitud por correo electrónico a Blaine Yoder en byoder@telacu.com.

Disadvantaged Business Participation

Diversity, inclusion, equity, and relevancy are essential to MRCA’s ability to achieve protection of Southern California’s open space and recreation resources. The MRCA recognizes that there is a fundamental right of all people to equitably access Southern California’s rich environmental resources and participate in decisions that affect these resources. The historic pattern of environmental burdens borne disproportionately by disadvantaged communities can be altered through deliberate practices that increase inclusion and participation. MRCA’s purchasing power can be used to promote environmental equity, diversity, and inclusion in all forms.

In 2017, MRCA’s Governing Board adopted an Outreach and Advertising Policy for contracts and established a target participation rate for disadvantaged business enterprises of 20%.

Short List for Professional & Architecture/Engineering Services

In October 2020 MRCA conducted a Request for Statements of Qualifications for Professional Services. The next RFQ cycle for Professional Services will occur in 2023. Six firms were selected for a two-year contract for on-call services, subject to Governing Board approval:

Geotechnical Engineering On-Call Services:  Gorian & Associates*

Civil Engineering, Topographic Surveying and Mapping On-Call Services: Moran Consulting Corporation*

Architecture On-Call Services: office42 architecture*

Environmental Consulting and CEQA On-Call Services: Rincon Consultants, Inc.

Construction Management On-Call Services: TELACU Construction Management

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering On-Call Services: Turpin & Rattan Engineering, Inc.*


Fifty-three firms, listed below, were deemed to have demonstrated competence and qualifications, and were placed on a short list. This list will be used to solicit proposals for specific projects as opportunities arise.

Architecture and Planning

BOA Architecture*

Duvivier Architects*

Levin & Associates Architects*

office42 architecture*

Swift Lee Office, Inc.*


Civil Engineering, Topographic Survey, and Mapping

Albert A. Webb Associates


Hunsaker & Associates Irvine, Inc.*

KOA Corporation

Moran Consulting Corporation*

P A Arca Engineering Inc.*


Uniplan Engineering, Inc.*

VCA Engineers, Inc.*


Environmental Consulting

ECORP Consulting, Inc.

Fehr & Peers

Rincon Consultants, Inc.

Ruth Villalobos & Associates*

SWCA Environmental Consultants

UltraSystems Environmental Inc.*

Wildscape Restoration*


Construction Management and Cost Estimating

Atlas Project Support*

Berg & Associates, Inc.*


Dabri, Inc.*

EQS Consultants, Inc.*

GK & Associates*

Griffin Structures

Knowland Construction Services*

RWBID Design + Constuction*

TELACU Construction Management


Geotechnical Engineering

Fenagh Engineering & Testing

Geocon West, Inc.

Gorian & Associates*

Shannon & Wilson

Multi-Discipline Engineering

Turpin & Rattan Engineering, Inc.*

Coffman Engineers, Inc.


Landscape Architecture

Architerra Design Group

Duane Border Design



Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI)




rhaa Landscape Architecture and Planning*

RJM Design Group, Inc*

SALT Landscape Architects*



Thomas Sabin Studio

Withers & Sandgren, Ltd*



BlueGreen Consulting

*Firms that self-reported a disadvantaged business certification (including small business enterprise, minority business enterprise, woman-owned business enterprise, and disabled veteran business enterprise.